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Differentiate between:

(a) Racemose and cymose inflorescence

(b) Fibrous roots and adventitious roots

(c) Apocarpous and syncarpous ovary

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Racemose InflorescenceCymose Inflorescence1) Younger flowers are present at1) Younger flowers are present at thethe tip while older flowers arebase of the inflorescence, while olderarranged at the base of thisflowers are present at top. Such aninflorescence.Such an arrangement isarrangement is called basipetalcalled acropetal succession.succession.2) The main axis in racemose2) The main axis in cymoseinflorescence continues to grow andinflorescence has limited grouth, whichproduce flowers laterally.later terminates into a flower.Fibrous rootAdventitious root1) In monocots, the primary root1) These roots from any part ofwhich develops from the radicle ofthe plant other than the radicle of seeds.the seed is shortlived and is replacedby a large number of roots arisingfrom the base of the stem.2) It is found in wheat and other2) It is found in banyan, Monstera,cereals.and other plants.Apocarpous ovarySyncarpous ovary1) The flowers with apocarpus1) The flowers with syncarpous ovaryovary have more than one carpel.have more than one carpel.However,These carpels are free.these carpels are fused.2) It is found in lotus and rose2) It is found in the flowers of tomatoflowers.and mustard.

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