Differentiate between book-keeping and accounting.
The differences between book-keeping and accounting are
BasisBook-keepingAccountingScopeBook-keeping involves identifying financial transactions,Accounting involves summarising the recordedmeasuring them in money terms, recording them in thetransactions, interpreting them and communicating the books of accounts and classifying them.results.ObjectiveIts objective is to maintain systematic records ofIts objective is to ascertain net results of operations andfinancial transactions.financial position so as to communicate suchinformation to various interested parties.Nature of JobThis job is routine in nature.This job is analytical and dynamic in nature.PerformanceJunior staff performs this function.Senior staff performs this function.RelationBook-keeping provides the basis for accounting.Accounting begins where book-keeping ends. Special SkillsBook-keeping does not require special skills.Accounting requires special skills and ability to analyseand interpret.