Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs with 2 examples.
Sl.NoHOMOLOGOUS ORGANSANALOGOUS ORGANS1Those organs which have the same Those organs which have different basic structures but different structures have similar appearance and functions are called homologous perform similar functions are called organs. analogous organs.2Example: Example of analogous trait: i) The forelimbs of a man, a Lizardi) the wings of insects, bats, and birds (reptile), a frog (amphibian), a bird evolved independently in each lineage, and a bat (mammal).separately after diverging from an ancestor ii) radish and carrot without wings. ii)Both Sweet potato and Potato have a common function i.e. storage of food in the form of starch. But they both differ in structural origin as the sweet potato is a root tuber while the potato is a stem tuber