Differentiate between inclusive and exclusive series.
The difference between inclusive and exclusive Series is as follows.
BasicInclusive SeriesExclusive SeriesDefinitionAn inclusive series is one in which there isAn exclusive series is one in which there is generally a difference between the uppergenerally no difference between the upperlimit of one class-interval and thelimit of one class-interval and thelower limit of the other class-interval.lower limit of the other class-interval.TreatmentIn inclusive series, value of upper limit ofIn exclusive series, value of upper limit ofa class is included in that class. a class is not included in that class.UtilityIt can be used only when value is in complete number.It can be used even when value is in decimals or fractions.CountingIn inclusive series, counting is not possibleCounting can be done in allwithout converting it into exclusive series.cases in exclusive series.