Differentiate between internal trade and external trade.
Differences between Internal Trade and External Trade are:
Basis of differenceInternal TradeExternal Trade1.Nationality of buyers and sellersBoth buyers and sellers areBoth buyers and sellers belongfrom the same country. Hence,to different countries. Hence, itit is easier to interact with eachis difficult to interact with eachother and enter into a businessother and enter into businesstransaction.transaction because of differencesin their respective languages,attitudes and social customs.2.Mobility of factors of productionThe factors of production likeMany legal restrictions along withcapital, labour, law materials canthe differences in socio-culturalmove freely within the countryenvironments, geographicwithout any restrictions.influenes and economicconditions restrict the movementof factors of production likelabour, capital, raw materialsacross countries.3.Political system and riskIt has to face the political systemIt is subjected to the politicaland risk of only one country.system and risk of differentcountries.4.Currency used in businessThe currency of the home countryThe currency used in businesstransactionsis used in business transactionstransactions is that of more thanone country.5.Nationality of other stakeholdersIn this trade, the variousIn this trade, the variousstakeholder like the employees,stakeholders like empolyees,middlemen, and so on belong to themiddlemen and so on belong tosame country.different countries.