Differentiate between physical capital and human capital.
Differences between physical and human capital are:
Basis Physical CapitalHuman CapitalNatureIt is tangible and canIt is intangible; built in the bodybe easily sold in theand mind of its owner. It is notmarket like any othersold in the market, only itscommodity.services are sold.OwnershipIt is separable from the owner.It is inseparable from its owner.MobilityIt is completelyIt is not perfectly mobile betweenmobile betweencountries as movement iscountries exceptrestricted by nationality andsome artificial tradeculture.restrictions.BenefitIt creates only privateIt creates private and socialbenefit.benefits.DepreciationIt is subject toIt is also subject to depreciation,depreciation, which isbut it could be avoided byunavoidable.expenditure on education andhealth.