Season of Advancing MonsoonSeason of Retreating Monsoon1. The season from June to Septermber is the 1. The period from 2nd week of September toadvancing monsoon. It is also named asNovember-end is the period of retreatingSW monsoon.monsoon.2. The monsoon winds blow from sea to land.2. These monsoon winds begin to withdraw fromHence they are moisture laden and causeland. Hence they leave the land dry. They dowide spread rainfall all over India.not cause any rains over most parts of thecountry except the Andhra Pradesh and TamilNadu coasts.3. 85% to 90% of the annual rainfall occurs3. Less than 5% of annual rainfall occurs duringduring the period of these monsoon winds.this period.4. The two branches of this monsoon are the4. Retreating monsoon winds after passing overArabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengalthe Bay of Bengal cause rains on the Odisha,branch. They cause rainfall all over India.Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu coasts.