Kingdom Plantae | Kingdom Animalia |
1. Have multicellular eukaryote plants. | Have multicellular eukaryote animals. |
2. Presence of cell wall (made up of cellulose.) | Absence of cell wall. |
3. Capable of producing their own food (autotrophic mode of nutrition.) | Depend on others for their food requirements (heterotrophic mode of nutrition.) |
4. Photosynthesis occurrence due to the presence of chloroplast. | Since they are non-green in nature and do not produce chlorophyll, they do not undergo photosynthesis. |
5. Are immobile. | Are mobile. |
6. Can grow throughout their life. | Achieve a maximum size and then stop growing. |
7. Consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. | Consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. |
8. Have two sets of chromosomes (diploid.) | Have only one set of the chromosome (haploid.) |
9. Have reserved food in the form of starch. | Have reserved food in the form of glucose. |