Dinucleotide is obtained by joining two nucleotides together by a phosphodiester linkage. Between which carbon atoms of pentose sugars of nucleotides are these linkages present?
(a) 5' and 3' (b) 1' and 5' (c) 5' and 5' (d) 3' and 3'
Answer: (a) 5' and 3'
Nucleoside Species formed by the attachment of a base to 1' position of sugar is known as the nucleoside. The sugar carbon is numbered as 1', 2', 3'... to distinguish them from bases.
Nucleotide Species formed by attachment of phosphoric acid to the nucleoside at 5' position of sugar nucleotide.
Dinucleotides are formed by a phosphodiester linkage between 5' and 3' carbon atoms of the pentose sugar.