Directors of Roma Ltd. wants to use debentures for expansion plans but the finance manager wants to use retained earnings for this purpose. You as a finance manager has to convince directors how retained earning s are better than debentures.
Finance manager will convince directors that retained earning's are better than debentures through these points:
S.No.Retained EarningsDebentures(i)Retained earning's are a permanent source ofPayment of interest on debenture is obligatoryfund's available to an orgaisation.and hence it becomes burden if the companyincurs loss.(ii)It does not involve any explicit cost in theDebentures are issued to trade on equity but tooform of interest, dividend or floatation cost.much dependence on debentures increase thefinacial risk of the company.(iii)As the funds are generated internally, thereRedemption of debenture involves a largeris a greater degree of operational freedom andamount of cash outflow.flexibility.(iv)It enhances the capacity of the business toDuring depression, the profit of the companyabsorb unexpected losses.goes on declining and it becomes difficult for thecompany to pay interest.