Discuss the need of preparing a balance sheet.
The needs to prepare a Balance Sheet are given below.
1. It helps in determining the nature and book value of various assets, such as fixed assets, investments, current assets, etc. at the end of an accounting period.
2. It helps in ascertaining the nature and amount of various liabilities like long term liabilities, current liabilities, provisions, etc., which a business owes.
3. It discloses important information about capital invested in a business. The additional capital invested during the accounting period, drawings of the owners and profit (or loss) added to (or deducted from) the capital of the business.
4. It helps in assessing the solvency of a business.
5. It discloses the true financial position of a business at a particular point of time.
6. It lays down the basis for maintaining new books for next accounting period.