Basis | Capital market | Money market |
Liquidity | Capital market securities are considered liquid because of stock exchange but compared to money market instruments these are less liquid. | Money market securities enjoy higher degree of liquidity. |
Investment outlays | The investment in capital market does not require huge financial investment | The money market instruments are quite expensive so huge financial investment is required. |
Participants | Thee participants of capital market are financial institutions, banks, public and private companies, foreign and ordinary retail investors from public. | Thee participants of money market are banks, private and public companies but foreign and ordinary retail investors do not participate in money market. |
Safety | The instruments of the capital market are riskier . | The instruments in the money market are safe and less risky due to short duration. |
Instruments | The instruments dealt in this market are bonds, debentures, equity shares and stock. | The instruments dealt in the market are bills of exchange, treasury bills, banker's acceptance, etc |