Distinguish between capital market and money market on the basis of :
(i) Participants
(ii) Instruments of trade/investment outlay
(iii) Duration of securities traded
(iv) Expected return
(v) Safety
BasisCapital MarketMoney MarketParticipantsFinancial institutions, banksRBI, large corporations, governments,corporations, foreign investors,commercial banks, etc. are the participantsetc. are the participants of capital marketof money market.Instruments ofEquities, notes, bonds, deben-T-bills, Call money, Commercial Bills,trade/invest-tures, mutual funds, etc. are theCommercial Papers, Certificates ofment outlayinstruments of capital market.Deposits, etc. are the instrumentsof money market..DurationUsed for long-term basis forUsed for short-term basis for assetsof securitiesassets with maturity greaterwith maturity up to one year.traded.than a year.Expected returnReturns vary with changes inReturns are fixed and availableprices and are available immediafter maturity period.ately following sale of securities.SafetyCapital market is subject to riskRBI regulates the money market soand volatility.it is considered to be safe.