Distinguish between explicit cost and implicit cost with examples.
S.N.BasisExplicitCost(Rs.))ImplicitCost(Rs.)(i)MeaningExplicit cost refersImplicit cost refersto the actualto the cost of selfpayment made tosupplied factors ofoutsiders for productionhiring services ofthe factors ofproduction.(ii)ExpenditureThese expenditures These expendituresin cash orare incurred andare incurred on selfCreditpayment is made insupplied factors,cash or on credithence no paymentbasis.in cash or on creditbasis is made.(iii)Parties involvedOwner and outsiders.Only Owner.ExamplesWages paid to theInterest on ownemployees, rentcapital, Rent ofpaid for hiredown land etc.premises, intereston loans etc.