Distinguish between financial accounting, cost accounting and management accounting.
The differences between financial accounting,cost accounting and management accounting are
BasisFinancial AccountingCsot AccountingManagement AccountingMeaningThe process of identifying,The process of ascertaining and controllingThe use of accounting techniques formeasuring, recording, classifying,the cost of a product, operation or functionproviding information to help all levelssummarising, analysing,is known as cost accounting.of management in planning and interpreting and communicatingcontrolling the activities of business tothe financial transactions and enable decision-making is known asevents is known as financialmanagement accounting.accountingPurposeTo keep record of all financialTo analyse the expenditure so as toTo assist the management in takingtransactions.ascertain the cost of various prodcutsrational policy decision and to evaluatemanufactured by the firm and fix the prices.the impact of its decision and actions.Data usedQualitative aspects are notOnly qualitative aspect is recorded. Uses both qualitative and quantativerecorded.concepts.