Homologous organsAnalogous organsHomologous organs are those organs whichAnalogous structures are those which areare similar in origin but different in function.different in origin but similar in functionThey represent a case ofThe existence of analogus structuresdivergent evolution.suggests the occurrence ofconvergent evolution.The presence of a structure orIt may be explained in terms of thephysiological process in an ancestralenviroment,acting through the agencyorganism,which has become greatlyofnatural selection, favouring thosemodifiled in more specialized, apparentlyvariations which confer increased survivalrelated organisms, may be interpreted asand reproductive potential on thoseindicating a process of descent byorganisms which possess them.In thismodification.In this case the function ofcase different organs with differentorgans diversified and became differentorigins start performing similar functionsfrom the common ancestor.and differ from their ancestral trait.Example:The forelimbs of birdsExample:The forelimbs of birdsand humansand bats
The wings of a bird and a bat are similar in function but this similarity does not mean that these animals are more closely related. If we carefully look at these structures, then we will find that the wings of a bat are just the folds of skin that are stretched between its fingers whereas the wings of birds are present all along the arm. Therefore, these organs are analogous organs.