Distinguish between 'Memorandum of Association' and 'Articles of Association.'
Difference between Memorandum of Association and Article of Association
BasisMemorandumArticles ofof AssociationAssociationObjectiveMemorandum ofArticles ofassociationassociation are rulesdefines theof internalobjects for whichmanagement of thethe company iscompany. Theyformed.indicate how theobjectives of thecompany are to beachieved.PositionThis is the mainthis is a subsidiarydocument of thedocument and iscompany and issubordinate to bothsubordinate tothe memorandum ofthe companiesAssociation and theAct.Companies Act.RelationshipMemorandum ofArticles define theassociationrelatonship of thedefines themembers and therelationship ofcompany.the company withoutsiders.ValidityActs beyond theActs which arememorandum ofbeyond articles canassociation arebe ratified by theinvalid andmembers, providedcannot be ratifiedthey do not violateeven by athe memorandum.unanimous voteof the members.NecessityEvery companyIt is not compulsoryhas to file afor a public limitedmemorandum ofcompany to fileassociation.articles ofarticles ofadopt table A of theCompanies Act.AlterationAlteration ofArticles can bememorandum ofaltered by passing aassociation isspecial resolution byquite difficult andthe members.in many cases,approval ofcertain statutoryauthority isrequired.