Distinguish between "Microeconomics" and "Macroeconomics".
Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics:
BasisMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsMeaningIt is that part ofIt is that part ofeconomics, whicheconomics, whichstudies the economicstudies the economicproblems ofproblems of anindividual units.aggregate level.ObjectiveIts aim is to determineIts aim is to determinethe commodity priceNational Income,or factors ofemployment andproduction for angrowth of individual firm.the economy as a wholeToolsIts main tools areIts main tools aredemand and supply.aggregate demand andaggregate supply.Level ofIt involves limitedIt involves the highestAggregationdegree of aggregation.level of aggregation.TheoryRelated theories are:Related theories are:(a) Theory of price(a) Theory ofmultiprice(b) Theory of(b) Theory related toconsumer behaviour gap in economy