Distinguish between sacrificing ratio and gaining ratio.
Difference between Sacrificing and Gaining Ratio
Basis ofSacrificing RatioGaining RatioDifferenceObjectiveIt is calculated to ascertain theIt is calculated to ascertain the share ofshare of profit and loss given upprofit and loss acquired by theby the existing partners in favourreamining partners (of the new firm inof new partners/partnercase of retirement) from the retiring ordeceased partner.MeaningIt is the ratio in which oldIt is the ratio in which continuingpartners agree to sacrifice theirpartner acquires the share of profit fromshare of profit in favour of newoutgoing partner/partnerpartners/partner.TimeIt is calculated at the timeIt is calculated at the time ofof admission of newretirement/death of oldpartners/partner.partners/partner.CalculationSacrificing Ratio = Old Ratio-Gaining Ratio=New Ratio-Old RatioNew Ratio.EffectIt reduces the profit sharing ratioIt increases the profit sharing ratio ofof the existing partners.the remaining partners.