Distinguish between the meaning of adsorption and absorption. Give one example in each case ?
S.NOAdsorptionAbsorption1.It is the phenomenon as aIt is the phenomenon as aresult of which the species ofresult of which one substance one substance gets concentratedgets distributed uniformly mainly on the surfacethroughout the total volume of of another substance.another subsstance2.The concentration on the surfaceThe concentration is sameof the adsorbent is different fromthroughout the material. that in the bulk3.It is surface phenomenon.It is the bulk phenomenon.4.Adsorption is fast in theAbsorption proceeds atbegining then slows down dueuniform rate.to non−availability of the surface5.e.g.,water vapour on silicae.g.,water vapours aregel.adsorbed by anhydrous CaCl2