Distinguish between top level, middle level and lower level of management.
Difference between top level, middle level and lower level or supervisory level of management:
BasisTop level managementMiddle level managementSupervisory level managementTime rangeIt covers long span of period.It covers intermediate range.It is concerned with short period.SkillsIt requires creative skills.It needs persuasive skills.It is concerned with operative skills.EvaluationIt is difficult to evaluate itsIt is less difficult to evaluate itsIt is easy to evaluate its performance.achievement.performance.Number ofIt involves few persons.It involves moderate number ofIt is concerned with large number ofpersonspersons.persons.PolicyIt is concerned with theIt is moderately concerned withIt is least concerned with policyformulationformulation of policies to a policy formulation.formulation.greater extent.NatureIt is determinative. It is moreIt is more executory andIt is operative. It is more supervisoryadministrative than managerial.managerial than administrative.than managerial.