Basis of Difference Horizontal Analysis Vertical AnalysisMeaning/NatureIt refers to the comparison of anIt refers to the comparison of itemsitem of the financial statementof the financial statement to theof one period or period to its common item of the samecorresponding item of the base accounting period.accouting period.Expression ofIn Horizontal Analysis, changeIn Vertical Analysis, change in thechangein the item is expresseditem is expressed either in ratio absolute figures or inor in percentage terms.percentage or in both terms.BenefitsThe benefit of HorizontalVertical Analysis helps in predictinganalysis is that it indicatesand determining the future relativegrowth or decline of the item.proportion of an item to thecommon item.PurposeIts purpose is to determine theIts purpose is to determine thechange in an item during anproportion of item/items to theaccounting period.common item of the same accounting period.