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Divide yourselves into groups of four or five and brainstorm on any one of the given situations in order to create an imaginary dialogue or a comic strip. Keep in mind the characters and situations while doing so. Representatives from each group could then present the dialogues / read them to the class.



The efforts made by the other creatures of the bog to still the frog's determination 'to display his heart's elation'.


The first time the Nightingale sings.


The nightingale is awestruck when the frog introduces himself.


The practice session when it is raining.


The nightingale is reprimanded by the frog when the box office crashes.

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Note: This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some points that could be discussed in group activity together with characters and situations in each case given here.

(a) Other creatures hate the croaking frog. They take recourse to stoning him, praying to him to stop croaking and use sticks. However, the frog refuses to budge. They also insult him publicly, complain against him or throw stones at him. Still, everything is futile to silence him.

(b) When the nightingale sings for the first time, the frog gapes with amazement. Other creatures stare towards the sumac tree, fully charmed by the melodious song of the nightingale. Ducks swim to her and herons wade to her to hear her sing. When she stops singing they clap in admiration:

Toads, teals, and tiddlers call it Bravo!

Too divine, and demand her to sing more.

(c) The nightingale is awestruck when the frog introduces himself because she had never anticipated such a varied view about her song. Strangely, the frog introduces himself in a detailed manner emphasising the chauvinistic and authoritative attitude. He tells her that he edits the Bog Trumpet and writes songs for it also. Shallow people always succeed in showing off their hollowness through hyperbolic overtones.

(d) The nightingale offers herself to be trained by this Mozart. It is the morning and it is raining. Her ‘training’ starts. When she says that it is not possible for her to sing in such weather, the frog offers to sing with her. His training lasts for six hours and he makes her sing from this tree to that tree physically exhausting her. The nightingale shivers due to cold and her voice gets hoarse and quivering.

(e) The nightingale becomes a huge sensation. Creatures from far and wide crowd the place to hear her sing. The frog charges admission fee and earns huge money. A large number of titled gentry crowd the place. However, such a thing never remains permanent.

Soon the nightingale fails to earn money for the frog. He calls her to give the audience ‘something sharper, snappier’ and add some frills. However, the nightingale can’t continue serenading for long. Her voice zips and trills and the ticket office crashes.

The frog gets very upset with the nightingale and calls her ‘brainless’ and asks her to puff her lungs in passion. However, he has drained her energy. Weeping and trembling she puffs up to sing and dies.

The reaction of the frog was such that he called her stupid, too prone to influence. He leaves no alibi to be responsible for her death- a crafty and wicked being.

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