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DNA gyrase is a type of

DNA topoisomerase
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The correct option is (A) DNA topoisomerase


Enzymes known as topoisomerases are responsible for releasing the tension in DNA strands. Whenever a DNA strand passes through the processes of transcription or replication, the portion of the strand that is located in front of the replication fork begins to overwind. If the overwinding is not unfolded, the twisting in the DNA strands will cause the strand to be destroyed and rendered ineffective.

To put it another way, topoisomerases are responsible for preserving the overall topology of DNA strands. The enzymes perform their function by attaching themselves to the strands of DNA and severing the phosphate bonds in either one or both of the strands. This causes the DNA to become untangled, and it is subsequently followed by the resealing of its ends. They don't need to use any energy to complete this procedure.

Thus, topoisomerases are enzymes responsible for unwinding the supercoils that form in DNA during the replication process. The following are the two varieties of it:

Topoisomerase I

It is in charge of easing the tension that the DNA double helix experiences due to either excess or under winding. The primary characteristic of this enzyme is that it causes single-strand breaks while working. Stress may be reduced by rotating the cut DNA strand around the uncut DNA strand after it has been cut. Topoisomerase I further differs from other enzymes because it does not need ATP hydrolysis to operate. The broken strand relegates after rest.

Note: To avoid supercoils, Topoisomerase I cut the single strand of DNA.

Topoisomerase II

DNA gyrase is a type II Topoisomerase. The second kind of topoisomerase, known as topoisomerase II, is found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Double strand breaks are created even though they aim to reduce stress on the DNA double helix. In addition, ATP hydrolysis also takes place.

Note: To eliminate the supercoils, Topoisomerase II breaks both strands.

Final Answer

DNA gyrase is a type of DNA topoisomerase.

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