Fuel: The fissionable material used in the reactor is called as fuel. The commonly used fuels are Uranium, Plutonium or Thorium.
Moderators: Neutrons of a fairly low speed should be used to have controlled chain reactions. To slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons produced during the fission process, moderators are used. Moderator reduces the speed of the neutron by absorbing its energy but not absorb a neutron. Graphite, Heavy water and Beryllium are common moderators.
Control Rods: These rods absorb neutrons and stop the chain reaction to proceed further. These are made up of steel containing a high percentage of material like cadmium or boron which can absorb neutrons.
Shielding: Shielding prevents radiations to reach outside the reactor and protects the personnel associated with the operations. Lead blocks and concrete enclosure that is strong enough of several meters thickness are used for shielding.
Coolant: The coolant is where heat-exchange process occurs. Heat is absorbed by the coolant that is produced in the reactor.
Turbines: Steam produced in the boiler is now passed to a turbine and the force of the steam jet causes the turbine to rotate. Heat energy (steam) is converted to mechanical energy (moving turbine).
Generator: The generator consists of coils that change the mechanical energy into electric energy.