Well in advance of the holding of statutory meeting, the Secretary has to draft the Statutory
Report and notice of the meeting in consultation with the directors. Then a Board meeting
has to be convened to get the draft report and notice approved. The notice and the Report have to be certified as correct by two directors, including the Managing Director, and the
auditors. Thereafter, the Secretary is to get the notice and report printed and sent to the
members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting. He has also to file a certified copy
of the Statutory Report with the Registrar of Companies. Before the date of the meeting,
detailed agenda (Agenda Paper) is to be prepared in consultation with the Chairman. A list
of members has also to be prepared which is to be produced at the meeting. Another duty of
the secretary before the meeting is to make sure that proper seating arrangements have been
made at the venue of the meeting.
At the meeting, the Secretary has to ascertain the' quorum, read the notice of the meeting
and the statutory report, if the chairman so desires. He is to produce the list of members at
the commencement of the meeting and keep the list accessible to members for their
inspection. At any time during the meeting, if directed by the chairman, the Secretary is to
give necessary information and explanations to the members. He is also to take notes of the
proceedings to facilitate preparation of the minutes.
After the meeting is over, minutes of the meeting has to be prepared by the Secretary from
the notes taken during the meeting. He has to get the minutes approved and signed by the
Chairman at the next Board meeting. Besides, he is to act on the decisions taken at the