Expenditure on advertising is a social waste. Do you agree? Explain any five reasons in support of this statement.
Yes, I agree, Expenditure on advertising is a social waste because of the following reasons :
(i) Undermines social values: Advertising can undermine the ethical and aesthetic values wherein people get bothered by their external appearance and design.
(ii) Encourages sale of the inferior product: It can make false claims, conceal material facts, show only brighter side but does not reveal the side effects of using the product leading to a sale of inferior goods.
(iii) Adds to costs : Huge costs on advertising are spent by businesses by having celebrities promote their products.
(iv) Confuses rather helps : Advertising can portray a distorted version of reality. People may feel cheated with products when they realise that the information provided on the advertisement does not match with their real-life usage.
(v) Advertisements can be of bad taste : Advertisers may also use indecent language, objectionable photographs, or depict sexual exploitation, violence and stereotypically depict men and women across all ages and cultures.