Whittaker in 1969 proposed five kingdom classification based on :-
(i) Cell structure i.e., prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
(ii) Mode of nutrition i.e., autotrophic or heterotrophic.
(iii) Body organisation unicellular or multicellular.
The five-kingdom classification characteristic features are as follows:
(i) The Monera, the single-celled prokaryotic organisms like the bacteria; most primitive organisms.
(ii) The Protista, the single-celled eukaryotes which include diverse organisms like the algae, protozoa and diatoms.
(iii) The Fungi, the multicellular non-green heterotrophs (a few are unicellular) lacking chlorophyll, such as mushrooms and moulds.
(iv) The Plantae, the multicellular green autotrophs such as the higher algae, mosses, ferns and flowering plants.
(v) The Animalia, the multicellular heterotrophs which lack cellulose and usually exhibit movement like the insects, earthworm, birds, reptiles and mammals.