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Explain and elaborate how the king ensured there was money to build his army and strong fortress in the Mahajanapadas.

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The answer requires us to start by mentioning that the king made forts and raised an army. Then come to the points about how he got the funds for that. Then explain the different kinds of people who lived in the villages and the kind of taxes they paid. Give examples of farmers, traders, craftsmen, cattle herders and forest villages and what they paid in taxes. It is also important to mention that there were tax collectors who worked for the king.
In the end please mention that the taxes helped them maintain armies and expand their kingdoms when they set out to expand the boundaries of their empires.

Answer: The kings of the Mahajanapadas were known to keep armies to protect their kingdoms from outside attack and defend their people. They also made strong fortresses made of bricks, stone, mud, and wood. In order to maintain his power through armies and strong forts the kings needed money In order to get a steady flow of money the kings had devised a tax collection system which was to be followed by all his subjects. There were tax collectors appointed by the king who ensured that all people paid their tax in either cash or kind. Those who did not pay taxes were punished by the soldiers of the king.
Since different tribes were practising different trades and crafts in all kingdoms, their tax was decided by their occupation:
  1. The Grihapatis were supposed to pay tax in the form of one portion of their produce. This portion was known as the Bagha.
  2. The traders paid the tax on whatever profits they made.
  3. Certain craftsmen paid the tax in the form of one day's free labour every month for the king.
  4. People staying in the forests and nearby areas paid tax in the form of forest produce such as wood or animal hides.
  5. The cattle herders also paid the tax in the form of animal produce such as milk, wool etc.
  6. Some historians believe that some kings encouraged the farmers to grow more through cultivation in order to increase the food production which would ensure more tax was paid. This extra money was used for the welfare of the kingdom and by the king to increase his powers further.
  7. It is also believed that since coins had been introduced around this time, some tax was also paid in the form of coins.
After some time the kings wanted to increase their power. This was done either by raising taxes or by waging wars to expand the boundaries of the mahajanapadas.

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