Explain in brief the following methods of training.
(i) Apprenticeship programmes
(ii) Induction training
(i) Apprenticeship programme: It is a type of programme, in which people seeking to become plumbers, electricians etc are required to work under the supervision of an experienced guide for the prescribed amount of time under his guidance. The period of training may often vary from two to five years. During the period of training, stipend is paid to the trainee by the employer.
(ii) Induction training: When a newly hired employee reports for work, he should be made familiar with the work environment and the fellow employees. This is known as induction or orientation. The new employee can be inducted into the organisation by introducing him to his job, to fellow workers, to superiors, to subordinates and to the organisation as a whole.
The new employee should be oriented to the new organisation and in policies, rules, and regulations. In short, induction is socialising the employees to contribute to the growth of an organisation.