QUARK is any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.
It means that there can only be certain values for electric charge. Some values aren't allowed. This may or may not make any sense as stated, but let's use an example: All bricks weigh exactly one kilogramme, and all houses are made of bricks. In our example, we'll find that houses can have only certain weights. A house with one brick might weigh one kilogramme, a house with two bricks might weigh two kilogrammes, and a house with a million bricks might weigh a million kilogrammes. No matter how big or small a house you build, it will always have a weight that's equal to a full number of kilogrammes.
Electric charge is the same way. Since electrons are the bricks that make up the electric charge, you can have any multiple of an electron's charge, but can't have the charge of 1.37 electrons because you simply can't cut an electron into smaller pieces. That's why electric charge is quantized.