1) It is formed when there is complete ransfer of electrons from one atom another.
2) These compounds are also called as ionic compound.
3) Their constituent particles are oppositely charged ions.
4) They exists as hard solids consisting ions.
5) These are non - volatile with high boiling point and melting point.
6) They do not conduct electricity in solid state but are good conductor of electricity in molten state or aqueous phase.
7) These compounds are soluble in water.
1) This bond is formed when there is sharing of electron between the same or different species atom of an element
2) Their constituent partilcles are are molecules
3) This compounds exits as gases, liquid or soft solid.
4) This compounds are volatile with low boiling and low melting point.
5) They are non conductor of electricity in solid or molten state.
6) This compounds are insoluble in water.