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Explain the following

  1. Reactivity of AluminumAl decreases, if it is dipped in Nitric acidHNO3
  2. CarbonC cannot reduce the oxides of Sodium Naor MagnesiumMg
  3. Sodium chlorideNaCl is not a good conductor of electricity in solid state whereas it does conduct electricity in Aqueous state as well as in molten state
  4. IronFe articles are galvanized
  5. Metals like SodiumNa, PotassiumK, CalciumCa, MagnesiumMg are never found in their free state in nature.

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Reactivity of Metals

  1. Reactivity of AluminumAl-When AluminumAl is dipped in Nitric acidHNO3 a layer of Aluminium oxide Al2O3is formed on the metal due to the strong oxidizing nature of acid. The formed layer of Aluminium oxide Al2O3 prevents further reaction and reactivity of Aluminium decreases.
  2. Reactivity of CarbonC- In the reactivity series, SodiumNa and MagnesiumMg are above Carbon which implies Carbon is less reactive .So it cannot reduce Sodium Naand MagnesiumMg.
  3. Reactivity of Sodium chlorideNaCl-In solid state movement of ions is not possible due to rigid structure. Sodium chloride is a solid.Hence it is not reactive whereas movement of ions is causes electricity which make aqueous solution and molten stage of Sodium Chloride to become reactive.
  4. IronFe are galvanised- Galvanization is the process of coating ZincZn over IronFe or steel to prevent rusting. The formed layer of Zinc oxideZnO prevents the corrosion.
  5. Nature of Metals like SodiumNa, PotassiumK, CalciumCa, MagnesiumMg in free state-They are highly reactive metals.They reacts with Oxyen even in room temperature forming metal oxides.

Hence this metal cannot be in free state

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