The relationship between planning and controlling can be understood by the fact that both are related to each other in the sense that one is the prerequisite for the other. On one hand, planning involves thinking and deciding about what is to be done and hoe it is to be done. On the other hand, controlling involves assessing and evaluating the work as against the set standards and taking the required corrective measures. each of the functions forms a base for the other. Planning forms a prerequisite for controlling in the sense that it provides various objectives and policies against which the actual performance would be evaluated.Controlling without planning would e meaningless. In other words, if there are no standards and objectives, there would be nothing to control. That is, if the managers do not know what the final objective is, they do not have any standards against which they can judge the present performances and deficiencies. Similarly, planning without controlling holds no meaning. Once the plans are formulated, it becomes necessary to monitor and evaluated the performance as per the desired plans. Controlling is a required to ensure that the plans is being properly implemented and that there are no deficiencies in the work. It also identifies the need for taking corrective actions, in order to ensure achievement of the planned goals. If there is no controlling,planning cannot be accomplished.Thus, it can be said that both planning and controlling complement each other and are, therefore, interrelated functions of management.