Dear Student,
Women in Nazi Germany:
a. Nazi's believed that men and women were racially different with different character traits and therefore do not have equal set of rights. Women ought to maintain the hierarchy in the society and have a different role to play.
b. For Hitler, mothers occupied the most important position in Germany.
c. It was their duty of mothers to teach Nazi values and culture.
d. Mothers who bore racially superior children were rewarded with honour crosses , and were given concessions in shops, in theatre , railways.
e. Mothers were also given favourable treatment in hospitals.
f. Those who gave birth to four children were given a bronze cross
g. Those more than four were given silver cross and gold cross who bore eight or more racially desirable children.
h. Those women who deviated from the code of conduct were severely punished.
i. It was considered to be a criminal offence for those Aryan women who maintained any contacts with Jews, Poles or Russians.
j. Their heads were shaved, they were humiliated in public and paraded with placards.Their face was also blackened.