The different modes of transmission of infectious diseases are as follows:
1. Air-borne transmission: In this type of transmission, the pathogenic organisms are transmitted through the air. The transmission basically occurs through droplets released by an infected person. Examples of air-borne transmission include cough, cold and influenza.
2. Water-borne transmission: This type of transmission occurs through contaminated water. Typical examples of diseases that are transmitted through contaminated water are cholera and amoebiasis.
3. Sexual transmission: This type of transmission occurs through sexual contact between an infected and a healthy person. Some of the examples of diseases that are transmitted through sexual transmission are Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and syphilis.
4. Formite: In some cases, articles that come in contact with an infected person can also act as source of infections. These articles are collectively referred to as formites and can include garments, utensils and door handles.
5. Vectors: Vectors are living organisms that can transmit pathogens from one organism to another. Some of the examples of vectors are house fly, sand fly and Anopheles.