F takes 5 hours more than G while covering a distance of 75 km. If F triples his speed, then he would take 1 hour less than G. What is F’s speed?
8.33 km/hr
16.66 km/hr
12.5 km/hr
10 km/hr
7.5 km/hr
Let F′s speed be x kmph.Then, 75x−753x=650x=6x=8.33 kmph
In covering a distance of 60 km, Abhishek takes 4 hours more than Sanjay. If Abhishek doubles his speed, then he would take 2 hours less than Sanjay. What is Abhishek's speed?
Ravi takes 3 hours more than Abhishek to walk 30 km. But if Ravi doubles his pace, he is ahead of Abhishek by 112 hours. What was Ravi's original speed?