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The net result of glycolysis of one glucose molecule is the. formation of .......... NADH and .......... ATP

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  • Glycolysis the process of break down of glucose molecule into 2 molecules of 3 carbon pyruvate which takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell.
  • The process of glycolysis has 2 type of reaction i.e. phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions.
  • The first 5 reactions are phosphorylation reaction where ATP molecule is used. First ATP molecule is used in reaction for conversion of Glucose to Glucose 6 phosphate and second ATP molecule is used the reaction for conversion of Fructose 6 phosphate to Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate.
  • Also the production of NADH takes place when a 3 carbon molecule Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is converted to 1,3 bisphosphoglyceric acid where one H ion and one electron is also released.
  • In the dephosphorylation reaction 2 ATP molecules are released while conversion of 2 molecules of 1,3 bisphosphoglyceric acid to 2 molecules 3 phosphoglyceric acid. Second second pair of ATP molecules is released when 2 molecules of 3 carbon phosphophenolpyruvate is converted to 3 carbon molecule pyruvic acid. During both of these reactions ADP and inorganic P react to form a molecule of ATP.
  • Therefore the net gain of ATP during glycolysis is 2 ATP as 4 molecules of ATP are produced and 2 molecules of ATP are used. While 2 molecules of NADH + H are produced.
  • Therefore the answer for the first blank is 2 and the second blank is 2.
  • The net result of glycolysis of one glucose molecule is the. formation of 2 NADH and 2 ATP

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