Find HCF of and and express it as a linear combination of and i.e., HCF for some and Find the value of and .
Step 1: Applying Euclid's division lemma to find the HCF:
Taking as and as in the equation
We have as a remainder, now will become dividend and will be divisor for Euclid’s division lemma.
We have as a remainder, now will become dividend and will be divisor for Euclid’s division lemma.
We have as a remainder, now will become dividend and will be divisor for Euclid’s division lemma.
Since we got the remainder as zero. We will stop here. The divisor for the last step or remainder of the previous step is the HCF of the numbers and ,
So, HCF is .
Step 2: Finding the values of
write in the form of
Final answer: Therefore, the value of