Find HCF of following numbers by using division method:
The Method of Division involves the following steps to find the HCF of two numbers:
Step 1: Divide the greater number (dividend) by the smaller number(divisor). If remainder is zero, then HCF of two numbers is the divisor of this step.
Step 2: If remainder is not zero, then we apply the method again on divisor and remainder, this time dividing the divisor by remainder. If remainder obtained after dividing is zero then divisor (of this step) is the HCF of two numbers, otherwise we apply the method again until we obtain the remainder as zero. The divisor of last step is the HCF.
Here, to find the HCF of and , we follow the above step as:
Step 1:Since , therefore dividing by .
Since, remainder is not zero, therefore we continue the method on (divisor) and (remainder).
Step 2: Dividing by , as a continuation of above division:
Step 3: Again, remainder is not zero, therefore we continue the method on (divisor) and (remainder).
Now, remainder at this step is zero.
Therefore, the divisor of the last step i.e. is the HCF of the given numbers and .