Question 3
Find out, from the table, the medium having highest optical density. Also, find the medium with lowest optical density.
Material mediumRefractive indexMaterial mediumRefractive indexAir1.0003Canada Balsam1.53Ice1.31−−Water1.33Rock salt1.54Alcohol1.36−−Kerosene1.44Carbon disulphide1.63Fused quartz1.46Dense flint glass1.65Turpentine oil1.47Ruby1.71Benzene1.50Sapphire1.77Crown glass1.52Diamond2.42
The medium having highest optical density is Diamond (Refractive Index 2.42) and the medium having lowest optical density is Air (Refractive Index 1.0003). The optical density of a medium is directly related to the refractive index of that medium. A medium which has the highest refractive index will have the highest optical density and vice-versa. It can be observed from the table that diamond and air have the highest and lowest refractive index respectively. Therefore, diamond has the highest optical density and air has the lowest optical density.