Find the component statements of the following compound statements. 'It is raining and it is cold'.
The component statements are p :it is raining and q: it is cold.
The compound statement with ‘And’ is true if all its component statements are ……….
Write each of the following statements in the form "if p, then q".
(i) You can access the website only if you pay a subscription fee.
(ii) There is traffic ja whenever it rains.
(iii) It is necessary to have a passport to llog on to the server.
(iv) It is necessart to be rich in order to be happy.
(v) The game is cancelled only if it is raining.
(vi) It rains only if it is cold.
(vii) Whenever it rains it is cold.
(viii) Itnever rains when it is cold.