Find the L.C.M of and using the common division method.
Finding L.C.M using common division method.
Steps to follow while using the common division method.
. We arrange the given numbers in a row separated by commas.
. Now we will think of numbers starting from the smallest prime number i.e., and see if it can divide exactly at least two of the given numbers.
. Divide the numbers which are divisible by the chosen number and write the quotients just below them. Carry forward the numbers which are not divisible.
. Repeat step and till no two of the given numbers are divisible by the same number.
. Now multiply the divisors and the undivided numbers to get the required L.C.M of the given number.
Using the above mentioned steps, we will find the L.C.M of and
We get,
L.C.M of and
Thus, L.C.M of and