Find the L.C.M of 24 and 30 by listing multiples.
Finding L.C.M by using listing method.
Multiples of 24 are 24,48,72,96,120,144,168,192,216,240 and so on.
Multiples of 30 are 30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300 and so on.
Common multiples of 24 and 30 are 120,240 and so on.
Thus, the smallest/least common multiple or L.C.M of 24 and 30 is 120.
Find the L.C.M of 5,10 and 15 by listing multiples.
Find the least common multiple ( LCM) by listing the multiples .
7 and 11
Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) by listing the multiples.