Find the LCM of 32,64 and 128
The correct option is A (128)
L.C.M of 32, 64, 128 is as follows:
232,64,128216,32,6428,16,3224,8,1622,4,821,2,421,1,21,1,1 Therefore, L.C.M of 32,64,128 is 2×2×2×2×2×2×2=128
Find the least number which when divided by 32, 64 & 128 leaves the remainder of 8.
Find the least number which when divided by 32, 64 & 128 leaves the remainder as 8.
Which of the following numbers when divided by 32, 64 & 128 leaves the remainder as 8.
What is the least number which when divided by 32, 64 & 128 leaves the remainder as 8 ___.