Find the LCM of
To find LCM of we will use the method of division.
The following steps will help us to get through the solution:
Step : Arrange in single row separated by commas.
Step : Dividing by , as it divides and , while carrying to the next row as it is not divisible by .
Step : Dividing by as it divides and , while carrying to the next row as it is not divisible by .
Step : Dividing by as it divides and , while carrying to the next row as it is not divisible by .
Step : Dividing by as it divides and , while carrying to the next row as it is not divisible by .
Step : Dividing by as it divides , while carrying and to the next row as they are not divisible by
Step : Dividing by as it divides and , while carrying to the next row as it is not divisible by
Since, no two numbers in the last row have a common prime divisor. Therefore, we stop here with the prime factorisation.
Step : The required LCM can be obtained by taking the product of all the prime divisors (in the left vertical column) and the numbers in the last row.
Hence LCM .
Therefore LCM of is .