Find the median of the following data distribution.
Marks obtained2029283342384325Number of students628241524120
Marks obtainedNumber of students(Frequency) 2062520282429283315384422431Total100
As visible in above table, first we arrange the marks in ascending order
and prepare a frequency table as shown above.
Then the cumulative frequency table is prepared by adding all the
previous frequencies to the frequency of the corresponding class.
From the table, it is inferred that the sum of frequencies is 100.
Here n = 100, which is even.
So, the median will be the average of the n2th and the(n2+1)th
observations, i.e., the 50th and 51st observations.
To find these observations, we proceed as follows:
Marks obtainedNumber of students 206upto 256+20=26upto 2826+24=50upto 2950+28=78upto 3378+15=93upto 3893+4=97upto 4297+2=99upto 4399+1=100
We now add this table of information to the existing frequency table as
shown below.
Marks obtainedNumber of studentsCumulative frequency 20662520262824502928783315933849742299431100
The above table will help us find the 50th and 51st terms of distribution.
As the cumulative frequency gives the number of students who have
scored less than or equal to a certain mark.
The 50th student according to cumulative frequency distribution has
got 28 marks. The 51st student has 29 marks.
Thus, the median terms are 28 and 29.
So, the median is the average of these terms = 28.5.