The word MATHEMATICS has 11 letters.
Of them there are 7 consonants:2 M’s, 2 T’s,H,C,S and 4 vowels:2A’s,E,I
If the word starts with M: As there are 2 M’s it can start wuth M in 2 ways.We will be left with 10 letters out of which A & T come twice. This can be done in 10!/(2!×2!)10!/(2!×2!) ways. So there are 2×10!/(2!×2!)2×10!/(2!×2!) ways
Similarly if it starts with T there will be 2×2×10!/(2!×2!)10!/(2!×2!) ways.
If it starts with H/C/S: In each of the 3 cases we will be left with 10 lettersout of which M,A,T come twice. This can be done in 10!/(2!×2!×2!) ways. So there are 3×10!/(2!×2!×2!) ways.
Total number of permutations: