Number of divisors is (p+1)(q+1)(r+1)
Number of proper divisors is
(p +1)(q +1)(r +1)- 2
where - 2 corresponds to 1 and N itself which are not proper divisors of N
Sum of all the divisors of N
=(2p+1−12−13q+1−13−15r+1−15−1) by sum of a G.P. ...(1)
Sum of all the proper divisors of N
Exclude 1 and N = 2p.3q.5r from (1)
18(2p+1−1)(3q+1−1)(5r+1−1)−1−2p3q5r ...(2)
If the divisor is to be a multiple of 3, then
Hence in this case the sum of all the divisors as in (1) will be
3.18[(2p+1−1)(3q−1)(5r+1−1)] ...(3)
Sum of all the proper divisors which are multiple of 3 will be obtained from (3) by excluding the number 2p.3q.5r as it will not be proper.