Find the smallest and greatest numbers which are rounded off to the nearest hundreds as 900.
To round off to nearest hundred, we observe the digit at tens place. If it is greater than or equal to 5, we round it up and if it is less than 5 we round it down.
Since, the greatest number is rounded off to 900, this means that its tens digit must be less than 5.
For example: Round off of 935 to nearest hundreds will be 900.
Hence, the greatest number that rounds off to 900will be 949.
Similarly, the smallest number that is rounded off to 900 must have its ten's digit 5 or greater then 5
For example: Round off of 879 to nearest hundreds will be 900.
Hence, the smallest number that rounds off to 900 will be 850
Hence, smallest number is 850 and largest is 949.